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Public investment in infrastructure proved ineffective - experts

Most infrastructure projects implemented over the last two years or unclaimed, or require substantial revision and new investments.
It said the executive director of the International Fund blazer Oleg Ustenko writes "Kommersant-Ukraine".
"Unfortunately, those that have been implemented during the Euro-2012, were forced," - he said.
As the newspaper writes, only the construction of new terminals at airports invested more than USD 10.1 billion of public and private money.
In need of construction no doubt. But their size is questionable.
Now airport "Donetsk" serves as passengers a day, but its capacity to serve up to one hour. Daily ridership "city" is a half hour of its potential capacity.
In Terminal D "Boryspil" airport could not access basic airline, as it is not intended to serve transit passengers and therefore for its reconstruction requires additional investment.
In the stadium in Lviv has been invested 2.94 billion hryvnias state funds, instead of the planned 600 million USD.
Annual budget maintenance company is 20 million, but according to the director of the stadium Alexis Zhukovina, get them no where.
Project implementation speed railway traffic also can not be called successful.
Korean trains Hyundai ("UZ" bought 10 trains per 307 million dollars) began to run at the end of May 2012, before the Championships.
Not all routes were profitable, and in late 2012 began to express mass break (before running them tested just two months).
"Press since been sold breakage Hyundai, that tickets for the trains almost nobody buys" - said recently the head of the Antimonopoly Committee Vasily Tsushko.
Officials seek justification for investment. Projects still able to recoup itself if the state will realize the need to develop tourism as a business, sure Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy.
"We're continuously working on increasing the number of flights in Lviv airport," - he said.
Business representatives say the payback can be expected for many years.
Expect economic effect over short or even medium term of infrastructure projects should not, says Ustenko.
"Typically, they pay for themselves within 10 years or more," - he stressed.


Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.02.05





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