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Most metropolitan primary care physicians support health reform

The results of an independent study Ukrainian rating agency suggests that most primary care physicians Kiev support implementation of health reform.
The survey polled more than 2,000 respondents - pediatricians, internists and family physicians. Yes, in their opinion, among the main advantages medreformy - a significant improvement in the provision of necessary equipment, medical instruments, materials and medicines primary schools: clinics, clinics etc.. Also Kiev doctors stressed the importance of capacity building to enhance the professional level and professional qualifications.

However, about 45% of respondents noted that with the introduction of reforms have problems at work related to the need to conduct a large number of documents and insufficient social security doctors.

In addition, the introduction of Issues medreformy doctors believe: the introduction of computerized patient records in order to improve service quality and reduce document management (39.7% of respondents), improving financial security (19.6%), the introduction of social benefits and legal assistance ( 18% of respondents).

In the main criteria for assessing the quality of the doctors suggest to take: the number of patients who are on maintenance, and performance prevention - reducing primary disease, immunization coverage, reducing hospitalizations and more. 38.5% of respondents believe that these criteria should primarily be considered in their remuneration.

Among the desired benefits of primary care physicians called preferences for housing, public transport, transport service district, as well as the introduction of additional benefits - local allowances, financial assistance for rehabilitation and more.


Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.05.14





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