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Investment attractiveness of Ukraine 1.5 years remains stable at a low level

International business is increasingly speaks honestly about the impossibility to work in Ukraine and the future disengagement.
Index of investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the first quarter of 2013 remained unchanged compared to the end of last year - 2.12 points out of five possible. This is according to research an attractive business climate in Ukraine by the European Business Association (EBA).

The investment climate in the opinion of 155 senior managers of member companies EBA remains stable unfavorable.

85% of respondents believe that any change for the better not happen, and this is the biggest indicator of the lack of positive change in the history of the measurement of the index, since 2008.

To the question, what changes felt the business representatives, respondents answered as follows - 85% of the experts believe that the first quarter of 2013 was virtually no positive change - it is the greatest indicator of the lack of positive change for the entire period of measurement index.

Four experts consider positive changes decrease in income taxes in some sectors, particularly in the IT sector, the relative investment activities of the energy sector, and small shifts in the direction of European integration and relations with the IMF.

Among other positive trends (each called only once) called some legislative changes, which, however, offset by the problems of the judiciary, the stability of the hryvnia, the changes in the licensing of pharmaceutical products, the moratorium on the sale of land, cheaper credit, the new registration procedure real estate.

Compared with previous years, business has increased, putting pressure on business related to the political situation - corruption, inability to get a decent defense in court, the redistribution of business in favor of the political elite. "Positive innovations that have taken place in 2012, partially modified, in part - are not met. International business are increasingly talking about the impossibility of honest work in Ukraine and the future disengagement", - stated in the EBA.

"The index of investment attractiveness for the sixth consecutive quarter remained stable at a low level. Without a new program from the IMF and the successful implementation of all the requirements for the signing of an Association Agreement with the EU, the index will not change for the better in the second quarter, unfortunately," - the president of the EBA, CEO of Dragon Capital Tomas Fiala. Materials: RBC-Ukraine


Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.04.05





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