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The World Bank published "World Development Report - 2013"

The World Bank published a report on global development in 2013, which focuses on job creation. According to the World Bank, the creation of jobs plays a key role in economic development.

The report states that the private sector is the engine of job creation - in this sector in developing countries, 90 percent of employed workers. However, the government plays a vital role by providing conditions for strong economic growth, provided the leading role of the private sector, and removing barriers to the creation of private sector jobs that contribute to development.

To assist governments in achieving these goals in the report proposes an approach that involves three stages. The first of them - providing political framework, including macroeconomic stability, favorable business environment, investment in human capital and the rule of law. This stage is important for economic growth and job creation.
In the second stage, according to the Bank's carefully thought-out policies in the workplace can help to provide the basis for economic growth, employment opportunities. However, such measures should be complemented by a broad approach to job creation, which is not limited to the labor market.

In the third stage, governments should strategically identify which types of employment can - with the peculiarities of the country - make the greatest contribution to the development and to eliminate or compensate for obstacles that do not allow the private sector to create more jobs.
The report notes that in today's global economy, the world of work is undergoing rapid change. Demographic shifts, technological progress and not yet overcome the consequences of the international financial crisis changed the situation in the field of employment in different countries. Those countries who are able to successfully adapt to such changes and solve pressing problems in the workplace will be able to achieve significant progress in raising living standards, increase productivity and strengthen social cohesion. For those who do not, transformative effect of employment on the economic and social development remains unfulfilled.

Summary of the report (in Russian)

Overview Reports (in Russian)


Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.01.25





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