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Road show Invest in Ukraine 2013: Dialog Ukraine and United Kingdom

International investment road show Invest in Ukraine 2013 held on 21 February 2013 in London marked the beginning of cooperation between Ukraine and the UK.

Invest in Ukraine in 2013 - is the first Ukrainian road show in the UK, which provided a platform for direct dialogue Ukrainian top managers and British investment community.

Investors were presented seven business projects of Ukrainian companies, including: construction of a new plant to produce automotive chemicals (Cherkassky plant autochemistry), investment in agricultural company that specializes in growing soybeans and legumes (John Terra), the expansion of the company ISP ( Lanet), production of equipment for sugar companies (Teplocom) infusion of innovative technology in housing construction (AK Engineering), construction wood processing plant (Premier Wood) and production of steel panel radiators (Eng Spec Holding). All Ukrainian companies represent small and medium segment of the economy.

Event organizers Ukrainian Business Centre in London and the Employers' Federation of Kyiv state that was able to realize all our dreams. Training was launched a year ago. Many companies that wish to take part, even had to refuse. The reasons usually were banal reluctance to provide information about its business in its entirety, as well as small amounts of investment that professionals are risky and unprofitable.

Vladislava Bilotska, director of the Ukrainian business center in London, said: "In Europe, there is now a stagnation and lack of interesting business ideas at SME. Ukraine remains one of the few places in Europe where you can still make money on the idea and where the market is only growing. Moreover, despite the political instability, the overall profitability remains very high. "

Amounts plan to attract participants Invest in Ukraine in 2013, range from $ 5 million to $ 40 million of investments will take time from an average of one to six years. Notably, all companies are looking for investors willing to share ownership structure, giving a new partner from 10% to 77% of the business.

Investors emphasize that qualitatively prepared presentations and direct communication with top officials and directors of financial companies, said the serious intentions of Ukraine on cooperation.

Robin Henshol, head of natural resources company NSBO: «The reason that I'm here - I see Ukraine as a country with high potential and natural resources. We are interested in oil, gas, metals and coal industries, and agriculture. Traditionally, Ukraine has always been strong in these areas. And this potential persists. Ukraine - a country with a large territory, favorable geographical location, qualified workforce and highly motivated to work. Thus, Ukraine has all the ingredients for a successful future. "

From the British community at road show was attended by more than twenty representatives of the British and European investment banks and funds, such as the Royal Bank of Canada, Gryphon, NSBO ​​et al., As well as private investors.

The event involved the presentation of projects in the first part, with further tete-a-tete meeting of the British investors and Ukrainian top managers. This allowed both parties to discuss potential cooperation, ask questions and exchange ideas.

The potential of agriculture in Ukraine attracts investors. Yes, one of the participants roadshow became the John Terra, which made a presentation of the project to attract investments in the agricultural company that specializes in growing soybeans and legumes. As Ruslan Romanenko, CEO John Terra: "By 2030, world population will grow rapidly and the demand for food products consumption will double. Ukraine should use this opportunity because it has the best soils in the world. In Ukraine, can be grown inexpensive and quality products. A performance of the agricultural sector can be increased by improving its mechanization. That's why we're here. Our goal - to attract investment in the development of agriculture. "

High rates of recent years demonstrates the IT field. Ukraine has become a major exporter of software services in Eastern Europe. No wonder that the road show was presented as a draft investment in the ISP company "Lanet." Victor Mazur, CEO said: "Ukraine is one of the five European countries on speed Internet access. However, coverage is still quite small - 35%. For example, the market in Poland and Hungary is not less than 70%, the Netherlands - 90%. Our projections - in the next 4-5 years, we will reach the same penetration. "

In the road show was also attended by representatives of the Ukrainian-British organizations (Ukrainian Institute, the British-Ukrainian community and others.) As well as representatives of Ukrainian and British media.

After the official part, the guests were invited to an informal reception for continued dialogue, during which guests can enjoy Ukrainian folk music performed «Zemlyaky band».

Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.02.25   |  Rating  

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