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The second German-Ukrainian conference of Sister Cities 'New initiatives and resources for German-Ukrainian Sister Cities'

Dear Colleagues,

Business Federation of Kiev wants to inform you that on 6-9 of October in Leipzig (Germany) the German-Ukrainian conference on "New initiatives and resources for German-Ukrainian Sister Cities" will be held.

The event is a unique opportunity to strengthen economic cooperation between Ukrainian and German cities in reforming communal property.
Please note that participation in the conference for you as for members of the BFC costs on 400 EUR less than for other participants.

To download the questionnaire of participant
click here…

To download the program of the conference click here…
If you are interested in participating, please fill in and submit application form by fax +38 044 536 96 29 or email: or
Contact person from UNF - Deputy Executive Director Yushkevich Tatiana and Linnik Elena.